Friday, January 09, 2009

A Quiet Friday Evening

Thank you all, so much, both here and on Stand Firm, for your prayers, well wishes, support, everything.

I've had a glass of wine and I'm all weepy, but its been an intense 24 hours. I've cleared out our offices at church of all our books, the picture of my grandfather a few months before he died, the big wall of pictures my kids have taped up over the last six years, and I have the promise of some SERIOUS boxes to be delivered tomorrow so that we can begin to pack up this house.

I indulged us in some comfort food-sausages, cauliflower with cheese sauce-and I've been thinking through, all evening, which rooms need to be packed first, and which last. I think the kitchen needs to packed last and unpacked first (wherever we end up, because that's still Totally up in the air), and the basement needs to be packed first and probably stay packed for a long while.

Elphine wanted to know two things.
1. Whether she and Gladys (what I'll be calling her baby sister from now on) will be able to have a pink and purple princess room wherever we go, and whether they
ll be able to live together FOREVER.
2. How will we get to heaven? Will God lift us up in his own hands?

Aloysius and Romulus dressed up as Good and Bad Spidermen and care not what happens in the future.

Gladys wants to be held all the time and talk, even though none of us know what she is saying, whatever it is, its VERY important.

Tomorrow I'm going to lead the Women's Bible Study, as usual, and then go buy more femo (easy bake clay stuff), because my Sunday School class are making their own nativity scenes. And then I'm going to start filling boxes with books, toys, summer clothes, and socks.

I only have one more thing I really have on my heart. And that is how in awe and in love with my husband I am, today, as always. He has so carefully and lovingly steered this congregation toward the Word of God, toward Jesus, so that 100 or so people, here in Binghamton New York are able to say unequivocally, and unwaveringly that they will go all the way to the cross for His sake. There is no hesitation, no blinking of the eye. These people love God first and they are willing to stake all that they own on it. And Matt has patiently and truly lead us, as a congregation, to this moment. He has walked, step by step, vestry meeting by vestry meeting, sermon by sermon, bible study by bible study, to this moment, and God, this very night, is glorified. I'm totally delighted. I feel a little like Bilbo, running out of my house without my shoes, on an amazing adventure.


Anonymous said...

Dear Anne,
I just finished reading the comments on Stand Firm. They make me weep. They (almost all) are so full of God's wisdom for us all.

God bless you and Matt, the children, and your parish as you prepare to leave Egypt and venture forth.

The adventure begins....

Love in Christ,
Marla Taylor

Manou said...

I, too, am in awe of Fr. Matt. With his calm strength, his fiery love of Christ, his unwavering faith in His word, he has led his sheep not only to obedience but to a true acceptance of God's will and belief in His love for us. Matt has turned this flock into a family . . . what a marvel!

Anonymous said...

Anne, what a wonderful testimony of how hard times can bring people closer together. (I would guess that your husband feels the same toward you.) Thank you for sharing a part of your life with us.

We will continue to pray for you, your family, and for your parish.

Alice C. Linsley said...

As one who lost her home and career only to discover much greater gifts handed to me from HIM, I wish you many blessings in the midst of this upheaval. God bless you!

At A Hen's Pace said...

Oh, Anne, I love that last line!

Yes, this too will be an adventure, and a GOOD one.

I have been there, several times--when Church of the Resurrection walked away from its property many years ago...and more recently, as you know, when we moved out of our beloved little house among so many dear friends and moved here to start a new church with just a handful of folks.

Without our shoes...prepared or not...these adventures come when we follow Him!

Joyfully waiting to see where this one takes you--

And rejoicing with you in Matt's godly leadership!--


Anonymous said...

Well, we now have clear direction. Don't forget to pack the crucifix I gave you and Micah's guitar.
In Florence atm with the rents- I'd put in a bid for the Duomo, but I think it's probably too big for us. ;) Also, saw a mosaic of 'St.' Pelagius in San Marco in Venice! We thought it would amuse Matt.

Have you seen Pirates of the Caribbean? I've got part of the dialogue running through my head:

Woman: 'You stole my boat!'
Will: 'We'll get you another ship.'
Jack:'A better ship!'
Will:'That ship.'
Jack:'THAT ship?! Right, that ship.'

All in all not very useful comments, I know-

Anonymous said...

Perhaps when the bishop stands inside an empty church and a silent rectory he will receive the Spirit's Message. God will provide and that place will not be at the whim of a distant uncaring administrator.