Sunday, January 18, 2009

Evening Is at hand and the day Is past

I'm typing without I's, k's, and some other letter, and pilfering off someone else's wireless And 'm about to clear things up and go to bed just wanted to let you all now that we are alive and well. We are comfortably and warmly Installed n the St. Andrew's rectory. We have another few trips of stuff to bring over before the old house is completely empty. Its been a rough week. A lot of crying, a lot missing things, a lot of forgotten things (Sorry Sarah! I feel utterly terrible.)

I have A Whole Lot of things to write about. I've been making mental notes to myself throughout the day, trying to bookmark my mind so that 'll be able to catch t all. God has been very gracious, very holy, very surprising. Thank you All for Praying.


Carol said...

Anne, you can't imagine how much it means for us to hear from you. you are in our prayers. Rest well.
Much love,
Carol and Clark Smith

Sarah Boyle Webber said...


It's really no big deal about the box. You'll get it this week. :)


Anonymous said...

God bless you all, your family and congregation are much in my thoughts and prayers.

Don't despair, as each days steps will lead you towards the light at the end of the tunnel. Your grace and strength are an inspiration to all.


Geri said...


You are such a trouper(sp?). You and your husband amaze me with your ability to be gracious towards those who have stolen your church and rectory. I hope that things will get settled there soon so that you have time to blog. I miss your posts. I keep praying for you and yours.

Take care,

Anonymous said...

I found myself praying for you tomorrow while doing my own cleaning in my own disorganized house praying that you wouldn't be too discouraged.

May God's peace guard your mind,
Summer Gross