Monday, July 30, 2007

Monday Morning

It appears to be 10 in the morning, and E, A, R and I are back in our hotel room, in the cool, being quiet while R has his nap. Matt is in the first session of the Anglican Network Council Meeting, here in Fort Worth.

We managed, miraculously, to get all up and dressed and out the door in time for Morning Prayer and Holy Communion this morning. However, the kiddos only lasted through Morning Prayer before succumbing to the desire to yell loudly in a quiet space. So Matt hauled them off while I sat and enjoyed Bishop Iker’s short talk. After that we wandered around looking for the Press Room, which is conveniently placed far away from any happenings and goings on. If all goes well, we (by that I mean me and all my children) will go back for lunch and then maybe try and stay and play for a bit. But that means the baby getting a good solid nap and me regaining my wits.

It is pervasively and overpoweringly hot outside. One wilts, essentially. So we are not setting our sights too high for going back and forth.

Yesterday we worshiped at Christ Church, Plano. David Roseberry preached one of the best sermons I’ve heard in a long while—best in the sense that it hit me right smack between the eyes. Realized, again, the spiritual weariness of the last few months and how much we need a good rest. Not just a holiday, but a spiritual pause where we (I should probably say I) stop and rest in the grace and mercy and love of God.

So, here we are, for today and tomorrow, and then Wednesday back in the car to go South and to Mimi, for whom we all long.

‘Are we at Mimi’s?’
‘No, A, this is a gas station. We still have three more days before Mimi.’
‘First we have milk, then Mimi?’
‘You may have some milk, if you like.’
‘Can I see Tatchi (another very important person)?’
‘Tatchi is 5 days back in the other direction. Are you sure you want to drive all the way home and not go see Mimi?’
‘I want to see Tatchi and Mimi.’
‘Well, yes, and you will be able to when Jesus comes back.’
‘When we rise again?’


Anonymous said...

Thought of you yesterday. I gave the synthesis of the Eucharist presentation to some 8 to 10 year olds. We talked about the Epiclesis. One of the girls took my challenge to talk to Fr. Richard about it. He was impressed. (He is there at the meeting.)It felt good to have them ask questions and be interested in the Eucharist!

So thankful for Matt and Kevin. It has been good to listen to the meeting.

Enjoy the pool. I use to live in Houston. I left every summer! Too hot and muggy.

Blessings my fellow catechist.

If you need some great holding crosses--holdingcrossdotcom they are located in Frisco Texas. Great for hospice care. Tell Carol you are a friend of mine. They attend Christ Church.

Carrie said...

I have a holding cross, and I think it may be from there. It's great.

Anonymous said...

It does feel good in your hand, doesn't it Carrie.

They have lot's more and they are great Christmas presents.