Thursday, January 25, 2007

Well, I lied, I thought I was going to be filming but instead I worshipped the Lord in the beauty of holiness and then took notes of the talk afterward. I will have them to post tomorrow.

Let me just say that Choral Evensong is one of the most beautiful things ever to experience. The choir--girls and boys--was ethereal and amazing, Bp. Duncan's talk was uplifting, the readings were beautiful and the hymns like the flowing of water. Evensong alone was reason enough to come.

You find here, above, a picture of my old shoes and my new sensible shoes.

And, hopefully, lots more to come tomorrow. I've met many famous people--the fabulous and amazing Greg Griffeth, Ashley Null, and Michael Howell. And of course I've seen lots of other famous people--Kendall Harmon, Bishop Duncan, Bishop Nazir Ali, Leander Harding, and Edith Humphrey to name just a few.

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