I'm into my fifth cold. I felt it come on unmistakably last night during a long and tedious discussion about how best to procure a memorial plaque. You guest it--Vestry for two hours. And you know I continue to feel awful because I got saddled with the job of finding, buying and otherwise organizing this plaque. 'Let Anne Do It' being the ringing cry of our church and vestry. If I had had my wits about me I would have protested loudly enough to shove the responsability onto someone else. Instead I only noticed when I read the notes later (which I had taken). To quote, 'actionable, Anne will look through catalogues and buy memorial plaque, coordinating with--about wooden base for plaque.' That's when I felt that dull hated soreness creep up into my throat and head, bringing more pressure and misery into my already cold laden mind. Came home and confessed everything I could think of again. And started reading Job.
So now I'm sitting on the couch in my bathrobe and slippers at 10:30 in the morning while my bored children run screaming laps around me. I know I've got to get up and solve all the world's problems, but I just don't have the will.
Nope, no solving world's problems for you! Its a bad habit and doesn't pay off- you can ask my mother, she's a pro at needing to solve the world's problems.
As for plaque, I vote we make Lee do it. What exactly does it need to say? There has to be a trophy/plaque type shop around here somewhere.
Anne, I have one word for you and your family - Zicam. I start using it whenever my daughter gets starts to sniffle (I tell her that her school is on Germ Factory Road) and it works. It works. There's a gum, too, and I think Sucrets now has a zinc laden throat lozenge. Tastes terrible, but hey. . .
Thank you very much. I have some in my medicine cabinet but I've been having trouble getting up the moral fiber to use it. I took some sort of Zicam thing over Christmas and came out with bumps all over the inside of my mouth. But you know, a few bumps would probably be better, at this point, than wanting to crawl in a hole and disappear. :)
As for Lee. I think a cry of 'Let Lee do it' is much better than 'Let Anne do it'. Let's adopt it at once.
Brawhahaha! Indeed, that shall be our motto from here on out. Has a nice ring to it.
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