On the other hand, Marigold lying around drinking sips of water and having a periodic hug is a blessed temporary relief from Marigold running around pulling everything out of the cupboards and pouring couscous on the floor. It may be that we could get the girls out of their room in preparation for my parents to be in there (SO Exciting!) with Half the Hassle.
And while we (me and all the well children) do that, Matt will be focusedly writing his talk for the local LDS congregation on Saturday evening. He has a light in his eyes and his hair is all on end as he navigates the intricacies of Mormon theology and thought. Every few hours he emerges and relates some new something he's discovered. Don't know how he'll actually type, though, since it appears he's just seriously hurt his hand by busting a blood vessel or something.
So, if you need something, call first, because I might be covered in vomit. Cheerio!
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