Today's picture is classically representative of the way life is lived at our house. My boys are basically Always in Knight Costume. Every now and then they take a break to be spider man, but most all the time its knights--knights for breakfast, lunch, supper, school and play. Generally Alouicious stands on a chair during school hours, waving an imaginary sword and basically doing whatever he's told. He takes breaks to sit down and draw or write.
The girls are not so fanatical. They take breaks to dress up but generally wear whatever they've picked out for the whole course of the day. Its one reason I'm really enjoying homeschooling. If Elphine wants to wear her favorite sun dress for the day, even though its frigid outside, she can. If it helps her think then I'm delighted.
On a completely different note, for those of you who wonder at my deep abiding hatred for oatmeal, I would draw your attention to this excellent description of an average morning at my boarding school.
Awww. Thank you for the linky love.
Yeah. I can barely eat the stuff still, and even then only if it's the really good homemade stuff with LOTS of brown sugar and maple syrup. Perhaps once a year.
My boys elect superhero costumes on a regular basis, which is why I got them custom-made superhero capes for Christmas (which sounds a lot more expensive than they were.) I fully anticipate the capes becoming a quasi-permanent feature.
I went into my 3 1/2 year old grandson's room the other night...I was kid-sitting and just "checking up" before turning in myself.
Noticing the large lump in the middle of the bed (thinking it was a wayward cat), I pulled back the covers to find that the child had gone to bed with his Spiderman snow boots on...
I love boys!
I still love oatmeal... it's a comfort food!
Our now-19 year old son is captured at age 6 in a photo on his grandma's refrigerator, dressed as St. George wielding the sword he'll use to slay whatever dragon he can find.....
It's too bad about oatmeal's bad rep, since it is in fact very good for us when made properly. It 'sticks to your ribs', not bones! meaning it fills your stomach on a really cold (colder than 65F I mean) morning. The sugar overload from putting an equal amount to the oatmeal on her breakfast must have sent that writer's youthful blood-sugar off someone's chart, every Monday morning. Perhaps it's time to introduce Irish steel-cut oats. On a recent visit to my mother's I found these in her cupboard and made them every morning. Mmmmmm good, nutty taste - they just take a half-hour to cook, but I found them worth the wait. Possibly the stingy Scots ruined oat porridge, as they have so many other things, with their mass-rolling process.
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