Tuesday, May 05, 2009

If you have a moment, pray

I REALLY don't have time to thinking about this. My school area is covered in salt put there by a roaring lion of a baby, seeking what she may devour, and I'm trying to work my way to clear up the breakfast things, and my oldest is insisting that she's sick and must lie languidly and unhelpfully in bed reading Laura books, and my two little boys are supposed to be 'carrying' laundry down to the laundry room, which really means they're scattering it willy nilly around the house and pretending to be knights on horses, BUT, I just wanted you all to stop and pray for the real dio of San Joaquin in California, which is realistically looking at the loss of a lot of property. Of course, this is an opportunity for the glory and providence of God to be on display, and it will be, but I plead that you pray for them anyway, particularly as going to court and being involved in this mess brings with it an uncomfortable helpless feeling. As if all of ones enemies are arrayed on a vast plane, and then an outside, liberal secular judge comes in and sort of wildly swings opinions around, and there's nothing you can do about it, except trust God. Which is, of course, what he's been wanting us to do all the time anyway. However, trusting in the sovereign providence and goodness of God doesn't diminish the deep foul injustice of a 'church' that is bent on the utter destruction and ruin of those who love and serve Jesus. And I've found, it doesn't get rid of that helpless knot in the pit of your stomach. God will be glorified, and he will work miracles, a million tiny miracles we will all never know about, but pray anyway, because this is the valley of the shadow, and the enemy is waiting for an opportune moment to pounce. And now, I will go deal with all that salt. Good day to you all.


Anonymous said...

Will pray for DSJ and for you also. The righteous live by faith, not by court verdicts, public approval, or trust assets. I believe that justice is done in this world, but not always by the courts.

AmmaKate said...

Praying for SJ and for the Kennedys. Hang in there....you do well with semi-organized chaos!! k+

Teacher Mommy said...

You do realize the irony--and the lesson--in what little Gladys has done, right? You are the salt of the earth, and your faith means you retain your saltiness. The Church that has turned on its faithful has lost its flavor, and God will discard it in His own time.

(Sidenote: I can't believe I'm actually talking like this. Talk about the changes God has wrought!)

Jessica Snell said...

Praying for San Joaquin, and for you, as you continue through your own valley (with great aplomb, I think, or at least great prose).