Thursday, July 29, 2010


I finally read this after having it forwarded to me and seeing it everywhere on facebook. Actually, I got about half way down and had to stop because I began to be lightheaded and sick. Followed upon the recent watching of this, after which I was unable to sleep for several nights, I am ever more confirmed in my belief that none of us ought to be shocked whatsoever at the current political whirlwind we are reaping.

If you make it through the article you will notice, besides the very favorable victimizing tone, words like 'respect' and 'dignity' so perverted by their context as to make them essentially meaningless.

And now to prayer, for the battle belongs to the Lord.

1 comment:

eulogos said...

I am wondering if the doctor "Ray" is actually practicing somewhere near Binghamton. They said the clinic was targeted frequently by Operation Rescue in the 90's...when Randall Terry lived here. I demonstrated with Terry at the abortion clinic in Vestal sometime around 1988, and was arrested.
We really should find out where these atrocities are occurring in our local community now and those willing to be arrested should do sit ins as Terry's group did, while those who can't risk that should have prayer vigils, very visible prayer vigils, and do sidewalk counseling. We ought to make it as difficult and uncomfortable as possible for these evil people to commit their murders, and we should offer a visible other voice to women going there.
I couldn't do it often because of work, but I could maybe do it one morning a month.
And, as always, I do think Matt should be speaking more about this. He did make a good start a few weeks ago.
Susan Peterson